Monday, September 29, 2008

He is not well-known

This morning, I called up one of the telcos to ask about their business DSL plans. One thing that I particularly needed to know was the CIR that they offer per subscription package and the answer I got was -

"Sorry Sir. I'm new here and not well-known. What is CIR?"

Hmmm. Not a good sign. I asked for his supervisor and was informed that they do not provide CIR on any of their DSL packages. Tsk tsk. I am starting to think that the other telco is the way to go. Oh well...

1 comment:

Antonov Dominikski Krusov said...

What telco is that? yung globe alam un... Yung sa Bayantel... ewan.. Majority of telcos kasi abusado sa customer...